Goal of the EXPOneer project is the development of an exhibition system which can be used unassisted in schools. In order to test the possibilities and the interaction of the different modules resp. elements, we developed an exhibition for the use in a shopping center.
Target of the exhibition is to bring the subject “Nano Research in Kiel” closer to the public – this, in the frame of our outreach activities for the Collaborative Research Center SFFB677 “Function by operating”. The approximately 30m2 exhibition consists of different modules of the EXPOneer-system: The area “Basics of Nanotechnology” is presented by a 4x2 module (with bars in order to visualize the dimension), a 2x4 module and a 4x4 module with text tables, showcases and demonstrations.
On the back side of the basics area, the subject „Nano Products“ finds its place, next to it we try to foretell the future: A concaved, black 2x4 element allows – if you put your head in it – a virtual view into the future. At the end of the exhibition, an experimentation table serves as a gateway. Here visitors have the possibility to conduct little experiments – with our without instruction. The back side of the experimentation table – directly next to the nano products – is dedicated to the subject risks.
At the other end of the exhibition, a table for scientists is located: A PhD candidate from the Collaborative Research Center answers visitor’s questions. He/ she is presenting small experiments in order to give insight into a researcher’s everyday life. Nano research and its particularities are presented on the long side next to the scientists table.
The Collaborative Research Center presents itself with the help of a round advertising pillar, which is equipped with several built in tablet-pcs in order to allow insight into the different research laboratories. It is possible to visit the exhibition till the June 7th, opening hours are between 10 am and 8 pm every day.