Here you will have the possibility to read news and completions of the project. Do not hesitate to visit us regularly!


End of March IKEA will stop the production of Expedit shelves, which are particularly successful in Germany. This is hard on the EXPOneer project, because the whole exhibition conception is based on the Expedit shelves. The good news: There will be a replacement: Kallax. The compartments of Kallax will have exactly the same measures as the Expedit shelves. 

Today, at the Heinrich-Heine Gymnasium in Heikendorf – one of our pilot schools – practical exhibition construction was on the timetable: First, the content had to be distributed on the three shelves; this is easiest done with lots of chits and place. Which subject should be placed where? Which text tables belong to which exhibit? Will it be possible to see the exhibit in this comparment? A lot of questions, a lot of discussion, but at the end a solution that gives (almost) all a satisfying feeling. 

The Forschungswerkstatt Kiel presented itself at the annual meeting of the IHK Schleswig-Holstein. Our prototype of the Nano-exhibition was part of the Outreach-activities (20.01.14).

At November 15 in the foyer of the Audimax of the CAU Kiel.

June 2013: The first use of our prototype in the tent of Kiel University at the Kieler Woche. In addition to our exhibition module, we invited real scientists from the Collaborative Research Center to present their own research by means of small experiments every day.